VAIMH 3rd Thursdays
Monthly Professional Development
VAIMH offers 1-hour virtual lunchtime professional development the 3rd Thursday of each month from 12:00-1:00 PM followed by a 30-minute Q&A.
We invite all who care about the mental health of infants, young children, and families in Virginia to join us and connect with other professionals across the state.
These professional development opportunities are matched to Competencies for those going through or maintaining Endorsement® in Infant and/or Early Childhood Mental Health.
Certificates of Participation for 1 training hour are provided.
Fall 2024 Series
Coming Soon
6/20/2024 The Digital Distraction - The Parent and Child Dyad
Presenter: Tracy Walters, IMH-E®, State IECMH Coordinator, VAIMH President
Competencies Targeted:
Infant/Young Child Development and Behavior
Family Relationships & Dynamics
Attachment, Separation, Trauma, Grief, & Loss
7/18/2024 Screen Time: It's Not Going Away - Make it work for all
Presenter: Mary Jo Grieve, Director of Early Childhood Education
Virginia's Home for Public Media (VPM)
Competencies Targeted:
Relationship-focused Practice
Building and Maintaining Relationships
8/15/2024 Technology from a Pediatrician's Perspective 12:00-1:00 PM
Presenter: Dr. Bergen Nelson, Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU
Competencies Targeted:
Infant/Young Child Development & Behavior
Analyzing Information
A Special Thanks To:
Our presenters for volunteering their time to share their expertise and knowledge so that Virginia's infant and early childhood mental health practitioners can gain a deeper understanding of sensitive issues that can lead to increased skills and professional development.
The VAIMH Professional Development Task Force Planning Committee who volunteer their time to organize quality, informative, and relevant sessions to enhance the professional services offered to infants, young children, and their families in Virginia, as well as to assist Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Applicants/Endorsees in obtaining training hours needed for initial Endorsement and/or annual Endorsement Renewal. Their dedication and commitment is valued and appreciated.