Fri, Jan 05
Conversation with Dr. Anjali Ferguson, VAIMH Executive Director
Eastern Chapter Webinar
Time & Location
Jan 05, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EST
About the event
In November, 2023, Dr. Anjali Ferguson became the first Executive Director of the Virginia Association of Infant Mental Health (VAIMH). We are excited to meet her and to explore with her the mission and future of VAIMH. Â
- How can VAIMH grow our influence over policies shaping infant and early childhood services in Virginia? Â
- How can VAIMH help build a better trained, better compensated, and more resilient infant and early childhood workforce in our state? Â
- Where will VAIMH find the resources to accomplish its goals? Â
Dr. Ferguson is a clinical psychologist with expertise in the areas of trauma-informed care, early childhood mental health, parenting, and racial equity training. To learn more about Dr. Ferguson,visit her website at draferguson.com.
Please join us on January 5th for this opportunity to meet our new Executive Director, ask questions, and share our ideas regarding the future of VAIMH.
Zoom link: [https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85941202116?pwd=OUphdkE1VkROdUtRejd3UDNUODdhQT09]
Meeting ID: 859 4120 2116 Passcode: 561980