What is Reflective Supervision & the Parallel Process?
Reflective Supervision and Consultation (RS/C) is an ongoing professional development practice for the infant and early childhood (I/EC) workforce that offers critical self-awareness and the ability to consider multiple perspectives, all of which enhance an organization's implementation of a relationship-based culture.

Through regularly scheduled reflective sessions, the IEC professional and their supervisor establish a collaborative and reflective alliance.
This serves as a model for strengthening relationships and promoting the growth and development of babies, young children, their parents, and caregivers.
RS/C offers the provider an opportunity to talk about their work and the impact that work has on themselves and others. It fosters critical self-awareness and the ability to consider multiple perspectives.
By addressing the challenges of their work in non-judgmental spaces, the provider can offer better service to families because they feel seen, heard, and understood.
Holding the Baby in Mind
Values and Beliefs about RS/C
Every professional supporting babies, young children, caregivers, and families deserves and benefits from a collaborative and consultative reflective relationship.
RS/C has the capacity to facilitate social justice work through the practice of curiosity, self-awareness, and exploration of the parallel process.
RS/C provides a space to identify bias, increase cultural humility, and to explore the ways in which power, privilege, and systems of oppression impact both the reflective alliance and the work with young children and families.
The IEC field has a responsibility to ensure that RSC is offered and delivered across all disciplines and sectors of the workforce in an equitable, accessible, and culturally responsive way.
RS/C is an inclusive practice, honoring and elevating diverse and non-dominant ways of knowing, doing, and being.
RS/C providers must be engaged in ongoing learning and reflection, including participation in their own RS/C about the RS/C they are providing to others.
VAIMH is committed to broadening pathways for professionals to meet RS/C qualifications, with a particular focus on diversifying the pool of RS/C providers.
VAIMH is committed to our own critical self-awareness as we strive to deepen our understanding of RS/C.
What is the Link Between RS/C &
the I/ECMH Endorsement?
RS/C is good for the workforce. It offers a space for professionals to consider the impact of their work on families and on themselves. It provides emotional support to the practitioner so that they, in turn, can offer that support to families so that families can offer it to their infants and young children.
RS/C is a requirement for most categories and a strong recommendation for all categories of the Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health (I/ECMH) Endorsement credential; it offers a reflective "relationship for learning" through which professionals integrate I/ECMH knowledge and skills into relationship-based practice.
RS/C is linked to Endorsement so that more professionals ask, "What about the baby?" which places the experience of the infant/young child at the center of the work.
The I/ECMH Endorsement credential provides best practice standards that define the qualifications for RS/C providers. RS/C qualifications ensure that providers participate in professional development (initial and ongoing) and are supported by their own RS/C.​​​
Who Can Provide to Whom?
Family Specialist
Mental Health Specialist
Mental Health Mentor-Clinical
VAIMH's Reflective Supervisors
Filter By:
RSC Provider | Endorsement | Can Provide To: | Region | Other Language | Provider Statement |
Ashley Rogers, MS | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Central | ||
Carmen Quenga, MA | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Northern | ||
Charisse Dawkins, LCSW | ECFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Northern | ||
Christina Harrison, Ed.S. | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Western | ||
Dawn Wimbush, MS | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Eastern | ||
Debbie Coleman, LCSW | IMHS-ERS | FS | MHS | Eastern | ||
Dee Holland-Brock, MA | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Piedmont | ||
Jaylene Trueblood, MA | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Eastern | ||
Jessica Brickey, LCSW | ECMHM-C | All Categories | Central | ||
Jessica Taylor-Pickford, LCSW | IMHM-C | All Categories | Northern | ||
Johanna Van Doren-Jackson, MA, CCC-SLP | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Northern | ||
Josetta Thomae, PhD | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Eastern | ||
Judith Martens, LCSW | IMHM-C | All Categories | Northern | ||
Juliana Weaver, MA | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Piedmont | Spanish, Portuguese | |
Kelly Parker, MS | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Eastern | ||
Kimberly Smith, BS | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Central | ||
Leah Walker, BS | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Northern | ||
Melinda Whitehurst, Ed.S. | IECFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Piedmont | ||
Meredith Fulcher, BS | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Piedmont | ||
Paula Smith, BA | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Eastern | ||
Rosemary Heflin, MSW | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Piedmont | ||
Sandra Triveri, LPC | ECMHM-C | All Categories | Northern | Spanish | |
Sara Carter, MA | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Piedmont | ||
Shannon O'Neill, MS | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Piedmont | ||
Tanya Coles, MA | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Eastern | ||
Tracy Walters, M.Ed. | IFS-ERS | FS | MHS | Central |