Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsement® Overview
For questions about the Endorsement, please contact
Who are Virginia's Endorsees?

VAIMH Advocacy Day - January 2024 Senator Creigh Deeds, Beth Tolley, Tamara Coyle, Joanne Simpson, and VAIMH Secretary, Meredith Fulcher and new baby girl.
Who should apply?
Why apply?
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The Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsement® (ECMH-E®) is meant to provide a pathway to Endorsement for professionals who are promoting and implementing infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH) principles and practices in their work with or on behalf of children ages 3 up to 6 years old.
Endorsement® through VAIMH supports and recognizes the development of professionals who work with or on behalf of pregnant people, infants, young children, and their families, and is intended to recognize experiences that lead to a competency in the rapidly expanding infant/early childhood-family field. Endorsement® is cross-sector and multidisciplinary, consisting of professionals from child and/or human development, education, nursing, pediatrics, psychiatry, psychology, social work, and others. Endorsement® indicates an individual's efforts to specialize in the promotion and practice of infant or early childhood mental health within his/her own chosen discipline.
What is Endorsement?
The Endorsement® was developed by Michigan's Association for Infant Mental Health (MI-AIMH) in 2002 and is now used by 35 state associations of infant mental health (AIMHs) and two international associations (as of January 2024). Each of those AIMHs is a member of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health. As of December 31, 2023, over 5,300 professionals have earned Endorsement worldwide.
The Endorsement® credential is intended for everyone who applies IECMH principles in their work across the full continuum of promotion, prevention/early intervention, clinical intervention/treatment, and macro scopes of practice.
Earning Endorsement® demonstrates to employers and peers that you have attained a level of competency in culturally sensitive, relationship-focused practice that promotes IECMH through a focus on principles, best practice skills, and reflective work experiences that lead to increased confidence and credibility in supporting infants, young children, families, students, agencies, and institutions in the promotion of infant and early childhood mental health.
Categories of Endorsement®
The 6 categories of endorsement align with a professional's scope of practice.
Family Associate
Professionals who work directly with pregnant people, infants, toddlers, young children, and their families, or within a program that supports this population in order to promote optimal social emotional development and/or early relational health.
child care providers
family day home providers
child welfare staff & more
Prevention/Early Intervention
Family Specialist
Professionals who work directly with pregnant people, infants, toddlers, young children and their families, or within a program that supports this population in order to prevent relationship disturbances or disorders of infancy/early childhood.
early care & education professionals
home visitors
early intervention providers
mental health consultants
OTs, PTs, SLPs & more
Mental Health Therapy
Mental Health Specialist
Licensed professionals who provide mental health treatment and/or clinical intervention to the infant/young child and their caregiver (dyadic therapy) when IECMH disorders exist or when a caregiver's mental or behavioral disorder affects their relationship with the infant/young child.
infant/young child-parent psychotherapists
private practice therapists, and more
Mentors & Leaders
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor-Clinical professionals have many years' experience providing treatment and/or clinical intervention to the infant/young child and their caregiver (dyadic therapy) to address identified social-emotional and treatment needs.
They are also providers of Reflective Supervision/Consultation and have passed a two-part exam, which demonstrates their knowledge of IECMH principles and practices as they relate to direct service and reflective supervision/consultation.
Mentors & Leaders
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor-Policy professionals have many years' experience promoting infant and early childhood-informed policy and program development.
They use their IECMH expertise to support macro systems and have passed a two-part exam, which demonstrates their knowledge of IECMH principles and practices as they relate to policy.
Mentors & Leaders
I/ECMHM-Research/Faculty professionals have many years' experience promoting what we know in the IECMH community through research and academia. Their research addresses social emotional development and early relational health and/or treatment of infants, toddlers, young children, and their caregivers.
They use their IECMH expertise to inform students, professionals, programs, and systems, and they have passed a two-part exam, which demonstrates their knowledge of IECMH principles and practices as they relate to research.
Endorsed Reflective Supervisors
The Endorsed Reflective Supervisor (ERS) credential is an add-on for Family Specialists (FS) and Mental Health Specialists (MHS) who actively provide (or are planning to provide) reflective supervision/consultation to infant and early childhood professionals. They ERS Providers are typically supervisors who use reflective practice and promote relationships in which staff/colleagues can explore ideas and emotional responses to the infant/family work environment, reflect about infants, young children, families and relationships, and nurture professional/personal development and growth.
Category Requirements Overview
Click on the tabs and links below to learn more.
Category Overviews
Mental Health Specialist (MHS)
Mental Health Mentor - Clinical (MHM-C)
Mental Health Mentor - Policy (MHM-P)
Competency Guidelines
What Happens After Endorsement®
Initial Endorsement Certificate
You will receive a personalized certificate that celebrates your achievement in attaining a level of competency in culturally sensitive, relationship-focused practice that promotes IECMH through a focus on principles, best practice skills, and reflective work experiences that lead to increased confidence and credibility in supporting infants, young children, families, students, agencies, and institutions in the promotion of infant and early childhood mental health.
You may begin indicating your Endorsement using the IMH-E® or ECMH-E® mark after your name.
John Doe, IMH-E®
Infant Family Specialist
Funders & Connections
The Virginia Association for Infant Mental Health (VAIMH) partners with the Early Childhood Mental Health Virginia (ECMHVA) Initiative at VCU's Partnership for People with Disabilities to implement the Virginia Endorsement® for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health (referred to as Endorsement®).
VAIMH is a member of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health and holds the license for Endorsement.
​Funding for the ECMHVA Initiative is made available through the support of our largest funder, the Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia at the Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services (DBHDS), and by our sustaining partners:
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) - Early Childhood Special Education & Head Start State Collaboration Office;​
Early Impact Virginia (EIVA) - Alliance of Home Visiting Programs in Virginia; and
The Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University's School of Education
Tracy Walters, IMH-E®, IFS, Infant & Early Childhood State Coordinator
ECMHVA Initiative
Jackie Robinson Brock, IMH-E®, IMHM-P, Early Childhood Mental Health Virginia