Fri, May 31
|Virtual Event
Saying the "R" Word: The Place of Race Consciousness in Reflective Supervision
Time & Location
May 31, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Virtual Event
About the event
Join us on Friday, May 31 from 2-3:30 as we explore how to talk about racial issues within the context of Reflective Supervision.
Our presenters will be Eastern Chapter members Tanya Coles, MA, IMH-E, CFSP and Debbie Coleman, LCSW, IMHS who are both currently providing RS to practitioners in the infant and early childhood field.
They will be presenting a framework for discussion and asking your help in answering tough questions such as when and how to raise sensitive questions related to race in our RS sessions.
We hope to see you on the 31st!
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81079652592?pwd=MlA0bUIzaTkvcXBQQjY1ZDVBUDcwQT09
Meeting ID: 810 7965 2592
Passcode: 911505
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